Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Stephenie Meyer's biggest fan!!!!

ha ha ha, okay so there was a girl in my high school that always wore the same mariah carey fan club button, one of those big ones, to school every day! And i am so wishing i had one for stephenie meyer!! ha ha, okay just kidding, i am not that obsessed, although wayne would argue other wise. I just finished the host and i loved it!! i have already read all of the twilight books and am now just waiting for the movie, and for all of the other fans out there, the movie is now coming out on nov 21 instead of dec 12, hooray, i don't know how they expect us to wait so long anyways! Okay so i thought that uploading her picture would make this blog kinda funny, but really i think that it just makes it kind of creepy, which of course to me then makes it hilarious!!
so anyways, i loved the host and i can't wait for her to write some more books, because now i have nothing to read! So if there are any suggestions of great books, not just okay books, but fabulous you have to read this kind of books, i would love to know!


Dan and Amanda said...

I am SURE Catharine had a list of books you would love!

mommyof6 said...

I can't wait for the movie i still have to order my shirt!All the girls in my fam are getting shirts and going together, it is going to be a blast!

Dejah said...

Hmmm, I guess you have read the twilight books. I should have read this post before my last comment. :)

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