I've got spirit, how about you?! (does anyone remember this ridiculous cheer from their cheerleading days?) What a wonderful week it has been! I realize I am probably posting about General Conference later than everyone else, but I have other things to discuss too.
But starting with GC, It was amazing! There were so many good talks it is hard to pick a favorite, but I will say wow to Elder Jeffrey R Holland's talk which was given with such boldness and conviction. I thought it was amazing. He is always one of my favorites. I really loved when Elder David A Bednar was talking about having family home evening with his family and how his kids would be like "make him stop looking at me! He's breathing my air!!" and how his kids would giggle and poke during prayer (and at that exact moment my kids were poking and giggling) so I was grateful to hear that his kids really were listening.
Also this past week I had the opportunity to teach seminary!! That was really exciting! don't get me wrong I was really tired and had to take a nap everyday! but it was such a wonderful start to my day, I learned so much and was excited to teach it to others. It was a lot harder than I thought it was going to be though, because you don't have a lot of time to prepare the lesson.
I also just got a new calling as the laurel and miamaid advisor, which means I teach their class and work with the YW President on any needs the girls have. And the good news is I get to keep my calling as a RS teacher. They just decided that the Sunday I teach in RS the girls can just go with me :)
I am so grateful for the power of the priesthood! Landen has had the croupe (SP?) for a couple of days and last night was really bad, he was coughing so bad that he couldn't breathe, no exaggeration. I called Wayne's dad and asked him to come assist wayne in giving a blessing. Things got really bad before he got here so i started getting landen ready to take him to the hospital. Since the night air is suppose to help we decided to wrap him up and wait outside. They were able to give him a blessing and things got better and he was able to get a good nights sleep. I know the priesthood is the power to act in God's name and that Landen will be fine.
thanks for listening to my stories, i promise to blog about more exciting things soon.
Gut-Healthy Recipes
3 years ago
You are a great person. So lucky to have you as an example.
Congrads on your calling, and I am glad Landen is okay. Poor guy.
I love your header did you make it and if you did could you give me any idea how to do it is there a tutorial etc
I've been searching for almost 3 hours and just can't find anything
thanks for any help
I got my header from shabbyblog.com and then i just added my picture and signature in corel paintshop pro. thanks for leaving a comment
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